Business & Corporate Law

New business in Michigan sells ads on toilet paper

Sometimes it just takes an original idea to start a business. If one can fill a niche that nobody else has thought of before, he or she may have a viable idea for a profitable new business . One…

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2013 stock offering part of Pfizer’s business planning

Pfizer, Inc. will be offering $100 million in stock for its Animal Health Unit. The Animal Health Unit has operations in both Kalamazoo and Richland, Michigan employing approximately 700 people. This stock offering is part of Pfizer’s overall business…

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Michigan Microloan Fund Program: New business loan option

Beginning a business requires startup capital. This can be found through business loans especially designed for a new business. This allows the business to cover initial costs to lay the groundwork for the new company to grow. Ideally, it…

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New business chooses Michigan to startup new science lab

The bio-life science field is an exciting and innovative industry to be a part of. New business enterprises are attracted to the field because of the demand for new discoveries, many of which could be used in medical treatment….

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Michigan food tech attracts new business owners

Identifying and meeting the demand of Michigan consumers in the marketplace is a cornerstone of an effective business plan for a new venture. This is true for any type of business, no matter what the product or service a…

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Crowdfunding provide funding boost for new business

A group of Michigan entrepreneurs, capitalists and investment bankers have teamed up to launch Relayfund Inc., a new crowdfunding website aimed at revolutionizing the ways in which startup operators source funding for their business ventures. Adequate funding is always…

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Gumroad: a new company that makes online buying/selling easy

When taking the time to plan a new company, there is a lot of research involved for those in Michigan and elsewhere in the United States. Research as to what consumers are looking for in today’s world, into businesses…

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Report shows a decrease in new business start-ups

According to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau, new business start-ups decreased to a record low in 2010. The percentage of businesses that were new organizations was below eight percent according to this recent report. The new business…

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Business start up successful for Bloomfield Hills woman

This recent rough economic time in the United States has hurt many large companies, leading them to lay off workers. Detroit, and the surrounding area, has certainly not been immune from this turbulent economic climate. Some might say it’s…

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Investment funds granted to a group of young entrepreneurs

An important part of launching a business in Michigan, or elsewhere, is creating an effective business plan and taking the steps to see it through. An essential part of business planning is locating new injections of cash so the…

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